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Volunteers: The Heart & Soul of Valley View

We would be lost without all the of individuals, families, scout troops, schools, businesses and community organizations that so generously share their talents and literally thousands of hours of with us! We welcome volunteers of all ages, skills and interests. Some volunteers come once a year, for one specific day, others are regulars. We want volunteers to find a way to help that is connected to their interests, rewarding and fun!

We have committees that are focused on different areas of our work that support our mission and strategic goals. Meetings are set by the committee chair and are held either at the farmhouse or in conjunction with a workday. Whether it is leading a group of children on an adventure, working on the trails, cutting and clearing deadwood, organizing details of our annual fundraiser or planting and harvesting fresh produce… every volunteer helps us build the story of Valley View.

The land is why Valley View exists and is the #1 priority. For decades before Valley View was formed, this land was a patchwork of farm fields and crops. As the lifestyles of the families that lived here shifted, the farm fields were abandoned. Without the attention needed, invasive plants took over much of the property.

People have grown and gathered their food from the Valley View land for thousands of years. Our gardens and agricultural projects are a celebration of that history and another aspect of stewardship. We have a well-established community garden, a Grow to Give garden with a variety of fruits, vegetables and herbs as well as an acre of hops.

Volunteer Teams


We have a tremendous opportunity to restore the native forest and grassland habitat. Volunteers tackle lots of physical grunt work such as brush and deadwood removal, invasive plant management, replanting and mowing.

Volunteers help with tasks such as plant propagation, soil amendment, typical garden chores, educational workshops, composting, and most importantly harvesting and delivering fresh food to those in need.

Programs & Events

We want to ignite a love for nature and share our space with people of all ages. Volunteers help us organize and lead a variety of programs throughout the year including seasonal hikes, recreational opportunities and education programs that highlight all the that Valley View has to offer. We want to make it fun to explore the great outdoors and enjoy the simplicity and peacefulness along the trails.

Development Committee

Marketing and fundraising are crucial to ensuring a vibrant future for Valley View. The development committee focuses on donor engagement, increasing awareness and building community/business partnerships to ensure our short- and long-term financial sustainability. Volunteers collaborate and plan our annual appeal, donor engagement and help organize our annual event, Toast to the View!

Facilities & Construction

Projects of all sizes, repairs, construction, and equipment maintenance provide a never-ending to-do list. We have 3 historic barns and an 1820 farmhouse on the property that have been restored to a point, but extensive work on each needs to be completed to transform these into gathering spaces for programs, events and community connections. Volunteers with construction knowledge, carpentry, love tinkering with machinery or wielding tools help us build and revitalize our on-site amenities.